SEAF Rocked!

We had an amazing time at the

Seattle Erotic Arts Festival 2024!

I read a bedtime story in my PJs. I also read an excerpt from Smooth, and it was well-received.

I tried a sensual yoga class, which turned out to be one of the best yoga classes I’ve ever taken (I used to teach yoga. I’ve taken lots of yoga in my life. I’m not kidding. It was amazing.) The sensual was really more sensory, and the class was yin-like.

I took a stripper class. It was hilarious. And empowering.

I met some remarkable poets and uber-talented collaborators.

I sold some books in the bookstore.

I viewed and judged on erotic art (see a few pieces below).

I viewed and judged on erotic films.

The only thing I didn’t get to do is Shibari. Next year!


Shorts on Medium


Seattle Erotic Arts Festival 2024